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  • Mabel Da Costa Chiba

Why do I still have Neck Pain / Back Pain (with or without Sciatica) /? Its been 3 months or more...

So, why do you still have Back pain /Sciatica or Neck Pain for more than a few months or even years?

Below is mostly what patients tell me about, when they talk about their Neck Pain or Back pain and the things they have tried. Perhaps, you might be able to relate to some of these ...

When your Neck/Back pain first started , you thought that it would go away on its own but it didn't? Or did you just get used to the pain?

You tried resting which seemed to help a bit but your neck/back felt more stiffer and the pain came back again thereafter?

You take painkillers, which gives you temporary relief, but then the pain comes back again when the painkillers wear of? Pain-killers DONT solve a chronic problem, they only cover it up.

A friend or family member or a health professional may have told you that you have ‘Arthritis’ or ‘Spondylosis’ and so you have to live with the pain? Or You may have had a 'slipped disc' at some point in time and still have pain.

You think it’s the awkward position you slept in and you just need to find the right one or the right mattress or pillow?

You got yourself a few relaxing massages which seemed to make you feel better but only for a short time?

You searched on Dr. Google for all sorts of remedies and tried the You Tube exercises for Neck/Back pain, which either did nothing or made your pain worse?

You tried different health professionals but it did not help. Each told you different things and you are understandably confused?

Does this sound like you? So you have tried some of the things above already and it is not working for you? The good news is that you at least know what doesn't work for you.

Want to know a lesser known reason for why your pain might be so persistent...?

According to latest pain research, long standing pain is far more complex than originally thought. It doesn't necessarily stem from only just the injury that might have happened long ago but also depends on how much of the brain the pain has taken over since the injury. In other words, it depends on how many neural pathways in the brain were recruited over time to process pain (also called neuro-plasticity). So, the more the pathways involved the more persistent the pain is. This is true for many chronic joint pains and not just spinal pain. At Empower Physiotherapy, we help you overcome this issue, as part of therapy for Chronic/longstanding pain (which is of course, following a physio assessment to rule out non back/neck related causes or other rare but serious causes of Back /Neck/ Shoulder Pain)

What can YOU do to get rid of your Neck or Back Pain?

1) If you have tried most of the things as above for 3 months, 6 months or more and it hasn't worked, you need to make a decision about getting help. If you have been waiting for your pain to go away on its own and it hasn't happened, do not wait till its worse.

2) 'Motion is lotion'- Static sitting or standing can make your back feel stiff /painful. Avoid prolonged static positions, movement helps spinal pain.

3) This one is for the ladies with lower back pain...High heels on a regular basis, causes your lower spine to arch more thereby putting more stress in this area. So comfortable footwear is key, not just to have less foot pain (and other joint pain), but also for lesser Lower Back pain.

4) If you have a deskjob it is helpful to have ergonomic adjustments at your work station for an optimal posture.

4) Get real Physio- Physio is proven to be effective for Spinal Pain. A Physio understands the Do's and Dont's or what movements or exercises are right for your specific condition. In fact, Back/Neck pain is the most common condition we see at our clinic. At Empower Physiotherapy, we don't just work to get rid of your pain but also to get you back to the things that you couldn't do due to your pain. Which is NOT one and the same thing!

Most of us think that once pain is gone, all is fine but this is not the case... What about the changes that occurred in your body such as muscle weakness/imbalances, tightness, joint stiffness etc. during all that time that you had pain? If these issues are not addressed, you increase your chances of either the pain coming back or ending up with an injury elsewhere. Your body needs to be prepared, gradually strengthened, for a particular activity such as lifting, gardening, playing golf, walking, running / sports or whatever it is you need, to get back to your normal lifestyle. This is certainly a part of what we do at Empower Physiotherapy.

We also see very often, people who have tried many things before or have even been prescribed surgery. We find that 80 percent of the time, their Neck/Back Pain responds to our very individualized and holistic approach to treatment and does not need aggressive interventions like injections or surgery.

We would love to help you too, by inviting you to book our << FREE Explora session >> where you get to speak with a Specialist Physio, tell us everything that's been going on with you, and determine for yourself if we are the best people to help you. It's a completely free, no-obligation appointment that will give you all the information you need to make the best decision for YOUR health - whether that's working with us or not.

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