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  • Mabel Da Costa Chiba

Can Knee Replacement surgery be avoided?

Most people think that when they get Knee Pain, it’ll eventually “ease off” and go away on its own. That they’ll wake up one morning and like “magic”, Knee Pain will be gone… But then 6 months later you’re still living with the discomfort of knee pain – often even worse than it was when it began.

Does that sound like you?

Another scenario we see all the time at Empower Physiotherapy is when people go to their doctors, and the well-meaning doctor tells them to “rest”, “try these painkillers” and “come back in 6 weeks if it’s not better”… …but then 6 weeks later, they end up going back to the same doctor again because it hasn’t gotten any better, only to be sent for a bunch of Xrays, and given ANOTHER prescription of even stronger pills, maybe a knee support– or worse, told that the ONLY thing left to do, is to go down the route of knee replacement surgery.

I hear stories each week from people who have said yes to knee surgery – to find 6 months down the line, their knee pain comes back. Knee pain after knee replacement surgery is a tricky topic. Most medical professionals will tell you that knee replacement surgery is the “solution” for anyone with arthritis and painful knees that have lasted for months. But the reality is, once the procedure is done it doesn’t guarantee you won’t have pain after knee replacement surgery.

Which worries me! Especially when we’ve helped so many people like you, live life with a lot less knee pain, naturally! I believe the body has the capacity to heal itself when given the right conditions to do so. When I talk about the “right conditions” I’m talking about 3 things:

  • Physical

  • Diet

  • Mindset

When these 3 conditions are met, the blocks that are preventing your body from healing your knees are removed.

But when it comes to knee replacement surgery – I don’t believe the body has the same capacity to heal itself. Why? Well, it makes sense that your knees would still hurt months and even years after knee replacement surgery. After all, you’re getting the bones in your leg replaced with plastic and metal. That can’t feel good! Its takes your body much longer to adapt to the new artificial joint and it needs to heal from the additional trauma of the tissues and bones being cut!

I, for one, would never willingly put myself through knee surgery if I absolutely didn’t HAVE to, especially if I knew there were natural options available to me to help my knees to heal.

If you’ve got painful knees, and you’ve been told that one of your most hopeful options to get rid of it is surgery, I’d recommend you consider your other options first. Ideally starting with a solid approach that starts on the premise that your body can heal your knees with the help of natural solutions! What most people don’t know is, that specialised physiotherapy -one that is tailored to your specific needs and activities can help get you back on the path to healing. If you’re confused about the advice you’ve been given, and you think you’ve already tried all of your options, here’s 5 ways physiotherapy is better than continuous medication (or surgery) for helping ease knee pain…

1.) There are no “nasty” lasting side effects.

2.) It wins the “war”. And NOT just the little battles – physiotherapy gets to the very root of your knee pain to ease it, not mask it with little victories that in the end simply don’t last. Surgery on the other hand may replace your worn out joint with an artificial one, but will not get rid of the muscle weaknesses and imbalances - the REAL reason why your joint got worn out in the first place.

3.) You’re not reliant on physiotherapy for months or years.

4.) It doesn't lure you into a false sense of "I am doing okay today..." to then be taken down by the sinking feeling when pain strikes yet again.

5.) You don’t have to sit in a stuffy doctor’s waiting room or get past the unfriendly receptionist, to get access to it…

I know it can be confusing knowing what to do about your knee pain when you’ve been told so many different things, by different people! I just want you to know before you go down the surgery route – it’s worth finding out if there’s a way to put an end to it by avoiding dangerous Knee surgery, painful injections and more painkillers.

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